Painless Ways to Save One Hundred Dollars a Month or More

Here are some painless ideas to incorporate into your daily routine. Doing so will save you money each month.
Tip 1 If you use a drip coffee maker to brew a pot of coffee don’t throw away the coffee grounds. Simply add two full tablespoons to the top of once-used grounds. Brew as usual. This can save you at least $20.00 a month and the coffee tastes fresh on both days.
Tip 2I find 100% juice drinks too sweet for my taste. I dilute the juice with 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water. You will use less, save calories and save ten dollars or more a month.
Tip3 Here is an oldie but goody that my parents used. Gently squeeze toilet paper rolls so the cardboard center doesn’t easily dispense huge amounts of toilet paper. Children in particular seem to use way more than they need. They can still use as much as they need but it takes a bit longer to roll around the holder. Guarantee it will quit unnecessary waste of paper.
Tip 4 When dinning in restaurants, forget sodas or other beverages. Ask for a plain water and slice of lemon. Squeeze the lemon juice into your water glass. Add sugar or sugar substitute from the table. The lemonade you have made tastes delicious, quenches your thirst and is free.
Tip 4Quit throwing 8-10% of your money away in coin- counting machines at grocery stores. Buy paper coin holders at the dollar store or ask your bank if they have any to give you. Usually they gladly give them away for free. Sort your coins and wrap them. Deposit them and save all of your hard-earned money.
Tip5Old t-shirts that are stained make perfect dusting and cleaning rags. Simple wash them , cut them to desired size, reuse them to clean up around the house.
Tip 6 Re purpose old square coffee tins and Pringles cans. Clean them up and cover them with sticky drawer lining paper. They make perfect color spots. Organize children’s odds and ends and even make cute banks when the plastic top is slit for coins to be placed in.
Tip7- Try coloring your own hair. It will save you expensive salon trips. Painting your own nails or learning how to apply your own false nails will save you $100.00 a month easily.

More ideas to increase your income now


This blog is dedicated to various ways to decrease your spending and increase your take home pay. The current economy is in crisis mode.  Here are some ideas to help stretch your dollar. Keep more money in your pocket. To increase the capital coming into your monthly budget. 

 Ebay is a very well know online sales place. You can sell your items at an auction listing and then you would be responsible for mailing the item off to the winning bidder. Buyers pay the shipping cost. To get started on eBay you will need a digital camera or phone camera with cable transfer, boxes, packing materials and of course items to sell on eBay. One great way to start is by selling unused items from around your house. Christmas gifts you didn’t have time to return. Clothing children have outgrown. Write a great description of what you are selling. Make sure you know how much shipping will be by weighing your package. On line sales can really pad your monthly income.

 Creative and know how to paint, knit, sew, create? Try Etsy This is the number one online source for people who hand craft items. The best-selling ideas include bath soap and soaks, candles, wedding garters, children’s head bands. Not sure how to create something from hand? Try taking an inexpensive course at Micheals arts and crafts. You can learn a new skill that might be a very good seller on Etsy. 

 Selling books and dvd’s on  is another easy way to sell movies you don’t need anymore or books. If you are shopping yard sales for books for resale make sure they are current books, Non fiction books sell the best such as self help, college books, antique and collectible books, autobiographies. If you have a cel phone you can always look up the current selling price on Amazon. That will give you a good idea of what a book is worth. The more you list and sell the better you get at it. 

ecrater is another online sales place. It is less expensive than eBay but not as much traffic. 

Try taking online surveys for cash. It will only earn you about $35.00 every two months but if you have the time it is an easy way to earn extra cash. Some legitimate survey spots include The cash out  amount is $35.00. It takes several weeks to get your money transferred into your Pay Pal account. You can also cash in dollars for gift cards. 

Vindale Research is another one that offers many surveys consistently and is good about paying you when the threshold is met.

Enter Sweepstakes. Last year I won an all expenses paid vacation to Fiji. It was the trip of a lifetime going all the way around to the other side of the globe. Some of the great places to enter sweepstakes are sweepstakes to enter are”
You can sell kids clothes after they have outgrown them at You can also save a lot of money by swapping your used clothes up for the next size.
Although it is a long process you might consider blogging to earn extra money. Bloggers with thriving blogs and get advertisements on their blogs. You are paid when customers click on the advertisers links. Some suggested advertisers include google ad words program and Amazon affiliates. There are numerous ways to get paid to blog.
If you enjoy writing reviews of movies you have seen. Products you have tried you might want to check out epinions on the web and other blogger options and places to get paid to write include:
Success is out there. Don’t give up. Research. Find your niche in whichever direction you decide to go. With time and perseverance extra money will be yours for the taking.

Make more money.






Making extra income can be done. Yes it can. No matter what the skill level  or background. You can use new ideas to assist in more monthly cash flow. I can’t promise you will make millions. I can promise that if you use these ideas they can and will help you earn extra money for your household. 

Work from home. Yes there are many work from home scams out there. The following are not scams and offer real employment opportunity. Check out the following website dedicated to finding real jobs for people who are at home. 

This is an invaluable source for people wanting to work from home and still have time to raise children. You can find jobs such as Call center work. Data entry, content writing and even online virtual assistant. 

 Consider creating your own service based business. Offer your services around pet sitting, house cleaning, window washing, car washing, yard and lawn work, child care, eBay lister, elderly care, errand runner. Rack your brain and thing of as many things you would be willing to pay somebody else to do. It could be as simple as grocery shopping for someone who is too busy. Task or errand running. Washing clothes and delivering them to people. Once you get the creative juices flowing think of as many ideas as you can. 

Hold yard sales to earn money. There is profit in buying for resale. Especially in the antique and collectible market. Want to learn how to hold a large money making yard sale? Consider this ebook on how to host an incredible yard sale for profit.

It will assist you in learning how to buy for resale. It also offers one of the easiest item to find that is often overlooked at yard sales that wells for an enormous profit margin. 



Reward Cards That Pay to Own

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 There are many reward card available that are used to save you money. My favorite reward credit card is Discover.  They offer a certain percentage back on everything you charge on your card. So if you use it for gasoline, to pay your electric bills, groceries you will be receiving money right back for doing so. Just make sure to pay off the balance every month. Subtract it from your checking account and spend like cash. Before you know it hundreds of dollars will be coming back to you just for using a charge card. Wonderful rewards for chores you do every week anyway. Check out their $50.00 sign up bonus too. You just can’t go wrong. This link will take you to the Discover Bonus Page. Check it out to get started. .

   In less than six months of making Discover my primary credit card I have earned over $200.00 back. You can request a check and have it deposited into your checking account. You can also use the balance to purchase gifts from the Discover gift center. Either way you are earning money for things you do every day. Perfect way to start saving painlessly. 


Reward cards at grocery stores are free. Sign up for every one you go to to purchase things. Frys, Safeway, Drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens. Save and be rewarded. It adds up quickly and you can’t beat the special deals they give you for being a good customer at their store. Inquire at customer service and keep those free rewards cards handy. They usually come with a key chain variety that is easy to carry along with your keys. 

Another nice way to shop in bulk and still save money is Costco. Membership there is not free. However, if you have a close friend or family member that also has a Costco membership you can easily spit the cost of the huge quantities and reap the benefits of bulk buying. Another bulk purchase warehouse to look at is Sams Club. They are the large bulk store owned by Walmart. Buying in bulk really makes sense when you have young children that are going through diapers, and baby food at a large quantity rate. Make sure to use your membership card to take advantage of gasoline pumps run by Costco. They have super deals on tires and gasoline. 



Coupon like a pro

couponsAbout Saving Green backs. Save more of your money today..
Extreme Couponing is a new show on TLC. It chronicles extreme couponers who manage to save 90 to 100% on their grocery bill each week. Here are useful tips in becoming an extreme saver.

Buy more than one Sunday paper for their coupons. You can also obtain circulars from friends and family or recycle bins as some brave people utilize. Separate the circulars so all pages of like kind are stacked together. Clip away and save time by only clipping the stack at once. Organize coupons in notebooks with clear card pocket inserts. This is a huge time saver as you can see exactly which coupons you have.

Sign up at your grocery store for a savings rewards card. Often they have digital coupons online that you can download to your card. This increases your savings without having to clip manufacturer coupons. Usually stores will only allow you to use either the digital coupon or the manufacture coupon if there are two types available for a product. Double check and see which one is the better deal for your purchase.

There are numerous online sources available as well. They print right from your computer and can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars each year. Coupon Mom and Shop at Home are two such locations. They will ask you to download a printer software. Yet the money you save using such online sources is worth it.

Purchase from online couponing cutting sources. Examples include The Coupon Clippers and Power Coupons. Then you can buy multiples for the items you use the most often. This is a great way to stock up on frequently used items. Another great source is the magazine All You. They usually have over $50.00 of coupons in each issue and the subscription to the magazine more than pays for itself. You can find this magazine at Walmart for certain.

Stock up on the items you get for pennies a piece. Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and other health care items I have been able to stock up on for free. Just wait until the items go on sale and redeem your coupons once items have been put on sale. Watch the weekly inserts and if an item is free make sure to stock up on as many items as you can. You can always resell the excess online or at a yard sale. This works especially well on beauty/health care items such as razors, shampoo, hair color. Items that don’t have a short expiration date.
If you end up having a nice size of usable goods use them to barter for items you need. A haircut, free baby sitting. Exchange a trip to your stock pile for many services you might need. This goes a long way in increasing your buying power. Even if the items you have gotten for next to nothing is not your usual brand they will be for someone else.